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golf vi variant 4motion

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Pridružen/-a: 28.04. 2022, 08:32
Prispevkov: 3

PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Maj 2022 14:50    Naslov sporočila: golf vi variant 4motion Odgovori s citatom

The Volkswagen Golf Mk6 (codenamed Typ 5K) is a compact car, the sixth generation of the Volkswagen Golf and the successor to the Volkswagen Golf Mk5. It was unveiled at the Paris Motor Show in October 2008 for the 2009 model year. Volkswagen released pictures and information on 6 August 2008, prior to the official unveiling. The vehicle was released to the European market in the winter of 2008. Volkswagen claimed investments were made in production efficiency, with a claimed productivity improvement at launch of nearly 20% in comparison with the previous model, with further gains planned for the first twelve months of production.
Although billed as the Mk6, the new model was largely based on its predecessor, the Golf Mk5, and was in effect a thoroughly re-engineered facelift of the previous model. In January 2013, it was superseded by the Volkswagen Golf Mk7, which is built on the newly assembled MQB platform.
golf vi variant 4motion
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